About my Blog

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Importance of Breastfeeding to the Mother (Part 2)

I apologize if I haven’t been quite clear on my previous posting on “Importance of Breastfeeding to the Mother”. What I mean to say is “The Benefits of Breastfeeding to the Mother”. I quote something from Annie Lennox & Aretha Franklin:

“Sisters are doin' it for themselves.

Standin' on their own two feet.

And ringin' on their own bells.

Sisters are doin' it for themselves.”

YES LADIES, Its time for us to shout out demanding something for us. Its time to be selfish.

We moms and wives tend to turn into this selfless creature wanting and providing the best love and care to our family. This is not a negative thing, however we all know that at times it can get to the best or the worse of us. We might feel happy or frustrated. We might not need that “Thank you, Sayang” or “I Love you, Mama”, but we know we do need to feel appreciated at times. I don’t blame anyone for this. Most of the times I blame on the hormones. :D Hormones slalu buat kita moody and fikir benda negative.

So do you know, what is the best way to over come these feelings?

How about we start to change our perspective? How about we start to see our role as a wife and mother as something we have to do to be a great and superior woman. We are not just that great woman behind that great man.

We are that Wonderful Lady who can do many wonderous stuff that no other people can do. But we don't do it for them, we are doing it for ourselves!

And so, my previous posting is suppose to invoke that breastfeeding is not just to provide the best nutrition for our child. We shouldn't view as just that, while each day we enslave ourselves to the routine of breastmilk expressing at work or juggling between chores while breastfeeding our child.

It should be something more meaningful to us ladies because it is far more meaningful than just that.

Breastfeeding does have psychological and health impact on us.

But like what I said in my previous posting, not much research has been on on this topic. Most current literature available these days mainly discuss about the nutritional benefit to the child.

Its kinda unfair, isn’t it? The one who is providing the milk only gets to know more on the “best stuff about breastmilk” but not really on the benefit she is getting by trying to produce the milk.

Seriously, after thinking about the pains of breastfeeding, “afterpains” (pains that occur when a hormone is released from what is left of your brain and the milk letdown process begins. This hormone also stimulates your uterus to contract back to its pre-pregnant shape), crack nipple, engorgement, backpains from hours of breastfeeding, occasional blocked milk duct, routine milk expressing, lack of sleep or rest and many more (coz if i list it out, penuh la my blog nnt), how many women would brave it and breastfeed with all their heart, right?

So what is it in return we get from breastfeeding? For me:

1) Bonding- Production of oxytocin during lactation increases parasympathetic activity, thus reducing anxiety and theoretically fostering bonding, so it is generally understood that maternal oxytocin circulation can predispose women to form bonds and show bonding behaviour.Breastfeeding is also strongly believed to foster the early post-partum maternal bond, via touch, response, and mutual gazing. I was so scared tau when I first held Miya. But, breastfeeding helps me to bravely march into motherhood.

2) Voluptuous Boobies- I increased from A cup to B cup and on occasions to C. Boosted my body image confidence a bit.

3) Loss "after-baby" weight dramatically, but later gain proper me weight.

4) Increased of appetite- Healthy increase to my body weight, yet controllable. So proper calorie intake and usage, unlike before, where I am so skinning that my cousins keep on making fun of me “budak afrika g malnutri, weight problem, budak kecacingan).

5) Menstruation – I feel like my uterus cleans better.

6) Mood swings – 50-70% less than before baby...LOL.

7) Estrogens issues- Vaa vaa voom sex drive. Happy & No complains.

8) Self-confidence – Increased. Proudly carrying around breastpump to work, public breastfeeding, expressing yourself, thinking out loud and many more.

9) Cancer- My family do have a long line history of cancer. Knowing that breastfeeding does lower risk for certain type of cancer, it does give me a certain confort.

10) Friendship- I found lots of friends through breastfeeding support forum & blogs.

I do know that there are more reasons and benefit that breastfeeding gives me, but I can’t think of any more right now. Like I said before, I need to do more reading on this from research papers & literature so that we mommies will feel much more worth it in our mission to breastfeed our child.

Anyway....after reading my previous posting and this posting, I would really want to know on how u feel about what breastfeeding has done for you?

As for me, I am shouting "I breastfeed my baby for her benefit and MINE too!!"

(psst..its ok to be selfish on this issue)

Importance of Breastfeeding to the Mother (Part 2)

I apologize if I haven’t been quite clear on my previous posting on “Importance of Breastfeeding to the Mother”. What I mean to say is “The Benefits of Breastfeeding to the Mother”. I quote something from Annie Lennox & Aretha Franklin:

“Sisters are doin' it for themselves.

Standin' on their own two feet.

And ringin' on their own bells.

Sisters are doin' it for themselves.”

YES LADIES, Its time for us to shout out demanding something for us. Its time to be selfish.

We moms and wives tend to turn into this selfless creature wanting and providing the best love and care to our family. This is not a negative thing, however we all know that at times it can get to the best or the worse of us. We might feel happy or frustrated. We might not need that “Thank you, Sayang” or “I Love you, Mama”, but we know we do need to feel appreciated at times. I don’t blame anyone for this. Most of the times I blame on the hormones. :D Hormones slalu buat kita moody and fikir benda negative.

So do you know, what is the best way to over come these feelings?

How about we start to change our perspective? How about we start to see our role as a wife and mother as something we have to do to be a great and superior woman. We are not just that great woman behind that great man.

We are that Wonderful Lady who can do many wonderous stuff that no other people can do. But we don't do it for them, we are doing it for ourselves!

And so, my previous posting is suppose to invoke that breastfeeding is not just to provide the best nutrition for our child. We shouldn't view as just that, while each day we enslave ourselves to the routine of breastmilk expressing at work or juggling between chores while breastfeeding our child.

It should be something more meaningful to us ladies because it is far more meaningful than just that.

Breastfeeding does have psychological and health impact on us.

But like what I said in my previous posting, not much research has been on on this topic. Most current literature available these days mainly discuss about the nutritional benefit to the child.

Its kinda unfair, isn’t it? The one who is providing the milk only gets to know more on the “best stuff about breastmilk” but not really on the benefit she is getting by trying to produce the milk.

Seriously, after thinking about the pains of breastfeeding, “afterpains” (pains that occur when a hormone is released from what is left of your brain and the milk letdown process begins. This hormone also stimulates your uterus to contract back to its pre-pregnant shape), crack nipple, engorgement, backpains from hours of breastfeeding, occasional blocked milk duct, routine milk expressing, lack of sleep or rest and many more (coz if i list it out, penuh la my blog nnt), how many women would brave it and breastfeed with all their heart, right?

So what is it in return we get from breastfeeding? For me:

1) Bonding- Production of oxytocin during lactation increases parasympathetic activity, thus reducing anxiety and theoretically fostering bonding, so it is generally understood that maternal oxytocin circulation can predispose women to form bonds and show bonding behaviour.Breastfeeding is also strongly believed to foster the early post-partum maternal bond, via touch, response, and mutual gazing. I was so scared tau when I first held Miya. But, breastfeeding helps me to bravely march into motherhood.

2) Voluptuous Boobies- I increased from A cup to B cup and on occasions to C. Boosted my body image confidence a bit.

3) Loss "after-baby" weight dramatically, but later gain proper me weight.

4) Increased of appetite- Healthy increase to my body weight, yet controllable. So proper calorie intake and usage, unlike before, where I am so skinning that my cousins keep on making fun of me “budak afrika g malnutri, weight problem, budak kecacingan).

5) Menstruation – I feel like my uterus cleans better.

6) Mood swings – 50-70% less than before baby...LOL.

7) Estrogens issues- Vaa vaa voom sex drive. Happy & No complains.

8) Self-confidence – Increased. Proudly carrying around breastpump to work, public breastfeeding, expressing yourself, thinking out loud and many more.

9) Cancer- My family do have a long line history of cancer. Knowing that breastfeeding does lower risk for certain type of cancer, it does give me a certain confort.

10) Friendship- I found lots of friends through breastfeeding support forum & blogs.

I do know that there are more reasons and benefit that breastfeeding gives me, but I can’t think of any more right now. Like I said before, I need to do more reading on this from research papers & literature so that we mommies will feel much more worth it in our mission to breastfeed our child.

Anyway....after reading my previous posting and this posting, I would really want to know on how u feel about what breastfeeding has done for you?

As for me, I am shouting "I breastfeed my baby for her benefit and MINE too!!"

(psst..its ok to be selfish on this issue)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Importance of Breastfeeding to the Mother

For the past centuries, there have been hundreds and thousands of research in rush to find alternatives to mother's breastmilk. It is only in this century, many research had reconfirm the importance of breastfeeding with data and facts backing the literature. Later being implements as a part of the health policy in WHO.

However, those research had only focused on assessing the breastmilk as the best nutrition source for an infant. Therefore opening rooms for research such as the recent finding by Dr Carlsen to open argument among parents, caregivers and paediatrician on if "breast is best".

What we are lacking of is actually of the whole picture....The benefits of breastfeeding to both mother and child. Breastfeeding is not just for the sole purpose of infant nutritional needs. Breastfeeding does give a positive impact to the mother/woman and maternal health too.

Let me share a short writing I found on the internet (forgive me for not citing it properly, lost the link):

Breastfeeding is a unique biological heritage potentially shared by women everywhere. The hormones of breastfeeding aid in the adjustment to mothering, in conservation of energy, and in subsequent nutrient recovery. Because the physiologic processes of breastfeeding are a normal part of the maturation of the female body, it is not surprising that breastfeeding seems to have the attributes of a preventive health measure for women: Breastfeeding is beneficial for women's health.

The sequelae of breastfeeding, and of having breastfed, are not minor: Breastfeeding, sometimes referred to as the final stage of labor, reduces the risk for (1) postpartum blood loss by increasing the rate of uterine contraction, (2) premenopausal breast cancer, and (3) ovarian cancer.

In addition to reducing the severity of anemia, breastfeeding may cause other changes that may help to protect mothers against bladder and other infections.

Also, epidemiologic studies seem to indicate that, despite the apparent bone loss that occurs in women during lactation, women who breastfeed may be at reduced risk for spinal and hip fracture after menopause. In addition to the direct health effects, breastfeeding seems to provide a sense of bonding, a sense of well-being, and an improved sense of self-esteem for many women.

These statements are considered controversial. This article explores several of these issues in a manner designed to aid in the understanding of why controversy surrounds breastfeeding research findings and, perhaps, why emotions or personal experiences may affect scientific interpretation in this field.

Nonetheless, from just looking at us breastfeeding mom, I think we can see a clear pattern of positive physiologic changes that lead to improved short-term and long-term health sequelae are emerging.

All families should be informed fully as to the positive preventive health effects of breastfeeding not only for infants but also for mothers, kan?

Women have many difficult choices to make; it behooves physicians to ensure that they receive all of the facts on which to base these decisions. If there is no support to breastfeed, especially from doctors and experts, a mother would easily succumb to just giving formula milk to their infant.

So, rugi aje the mother sendiri tak dapat nikmati the benefit of breastfeeding tu.

I feel like writing more on this, but I do need to do some further reading. If you mommies out there have something to share too, drop a comment. ;)

Importance of Breastfeeding to the Mother

For the past centuries, there have been hundreds and thousands of research in rush to find alternatives to mother's breastmilk. It is only in this century, many research had reconfirm the importance of breastfeeding with data and facts backing the literature. Later being implements as a part of the health policy in WHO.

However, those research had only focused on assessing the breastmilk as the best nutrition source for an infant. Therefore opening rooms for research such as the recent finding by Dr Carlsen to open argument among parents, caregivers and paediatrician on if "breast is best".

What we are lacking of is actually of the whole picture....The benefits of breastfeeding to both mother and child. Breastfeeding is not just for the sole purpose of infant nutritional needs. Breastfeeding does give a positive impact to the mother/woman and maternal health too.

Let me share a short writing I found on the internet (forgive me for not citing it properly, lost the link):

Breastfeeding is a unique biological heritage potentially shared by women everywhere. The hormones of breastfeeding aid in the adjustment to mothering, in conservation of energy, and in subsequent nutrient recovery. Because the physiologic processes of breastfeeding are a normal part of the maturation of the female body, it is not surprising that breastfeeding seems to have the attributes of a preventive health measure for women: Breastfeeding is beneficial for women's health.

The sequelae of breastfeeding, and of having breastfed, are not minor: Breastfeeding, sometimes referred to as the final stage of labor, reduces the risk for (1) postpartum blood loss by increasing the rate of uterine contraction, (2) premenopausal breast cancer, and (3) ovarian cancer.

In addition to reducing the severity of anemia, breastfeeding may cause other changes that may help to protect mothers against bladder and other infections.

Also, epidemiologic studies seem to indicate that, despite the apparent bone loss that occurs in women during lactation, women who breastfeed may be at reduced risk for spinal and hip fracture after menopause. In addition to the direct health effects, breastfeeding seems to provide a sense of bonding, a sense of well-being, and an improved sense of self-esteem for many women.

These statements are considered controversial. This article explores several of these issues in a manner designed to aid in the understanding of why controversy surrounds breastfeeding research findings and, perhaps, why emotions or personal experiences may affect scientific interpretation in this field.

Nonetheless, from just looking at us breastfeeding mom, I think we can see a clear pattern of positive physiologic changes that lead to improved short-term and long-term health sequelae are emerging.

All families should be informed fully as to the positive preventive health effects of breastfeeding not only for infants but also for mothers, kan?

Women have many difficult choices to make; it behooves physicians to ensure that they receive all of the facts on which to base these decisions. If there is no support to breastfeed, especially from doctors and experts, a mother would easily succumb to just giving formula milk to their infant.

So, rugi aje the mother sendiri tak dapat nikmati the benefit of breastfeeding tu.

I feel like writing more on this, but I do need to do some further reading. If you mommies out there have something to share too, drop a comment. ;)

Friday, January 22, 2010

More baby products recalled- help get the word out.

Help get the word out:

Two widely used children products have been recalled. If you have them, stop using them and get repair kits.

First are 635,000 cribs made by Dorel Asia SLR. The drop-side hardware on the cribs can fail, causing the drop side to detach from the crib. When the side detaches, it creates a space in which an infant or toddler can become entrapped and suffocate or strangle. CPSC and Dorel Asia received a report of the death of a 6-month-old from Cedar Rapids, Iowa, who became entrapped and strangled in a crib after the drop-side hardware broke. The recalled cribs also pose a serious entrapment and strangulation hazard when a slat is damaged.

Second, Graco Children’s Products is recalling 1.5 million Passage, Alano and Spree strollers. Some styles of the products have hinges on the canopy that could cut and/or amputate a child’s fingertip when the canopy is opened or closed.

More baby products recalled- help get the word out.

Help get the word out:

Two widely used children products have been recalled. If you have them, stop using them and get repair kits.

First are 635,000 cribs made by Dorel Asia SLR. The drop-side hardware on the cribs can fail, causing the drop side to detach from the crib. When the side detaches, it creates a space in which an infant or toddler can become entrapped and suffocate or strangle. CPSC and Dorel Asia received a report of the death of a 6-month-old from Cedar Rapids, Iowa, who became entrapped and strangled in a crib after the drop-side hardware broke. The recalled cribs also pose a serious entrapment and strangulation hazard when a slat is damaged.

Second, Graco Children’s Products is recalling 1.5 million Passage, Alano and Spree strollers. Some styles of the products have hinges on the canopy that could cut and/or amputate a child’s fingertip when the canopy is opened or closed.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Early education on Breastfeeding?

How soon should your daughter be exposed to breastfeeding knowledge?

after seeing the video.....what say u?

I say its cute, but a bit inappropriate.
She might need a nursing cover
to go along with the baby....LOL

Early education on Breastfeeding?

How soon should your daughter be exposed to breastfeeding knowledge?

after seeing the video.....what say u?

I say its cute, but a bit inappropriate.
She might need a nursing cover
to go along with the baby....LOL

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Clean your Home in 10mins or less?

Clean your Home in 10mins or less?

Monday, January 18, 2010

Mama suka Yoga..Miya suka Yogo (part 2)

As promised, video Miya doing Yogo.

Pagi ni, the Piplings did 4 posture. Starts in position "namaste", then they did "cat", "mouse", "owl" and "lion".

Mama suka Yoga..Miya suka Yogo (part 2)

As promised, video Miya doing Yogo.

Pagi ni, the Piplings did 4 posture. Starts in position "namaste", then they did "cat", "mouse", "owl" and "lion".

Friday, January 15, 2010

Mama suka Yoga..Miya suka Yogo

Ever since zaman anak dara lagi I've been doing yoga 2-3 kali seminggu. It helps me to keep fit and badan rasa sihat. Believe me, jarang kena migraine or period pain kalau I buat everyday. Back pain & stiff shoulder pun kurang.

My last yoga routine was the daily pre-natal yoga I did throughout my whole pregnancy. It did help me a lot in going through pregnancy pain & alhamdulillah my labour was a swift...

However, after dah ada Miya, no yoga. I do just whatever exercise I can do. Belly dance while blogging or doing house work, walking while pushing the pram to the market and our usual 7km "family morning walk". The only form of yoga I am still doing now is the Solat. I have always think that solat position is similar to yoga if you do it right and during solat you play and meditate. Betul kan?

Baru-baru ni ada show on TV for kids called Waybuloo. The 1st time Miya watched it. She loves it to the core. The show is a bit of a natural & new age teaching...hippie too. So the characters (called piplings) live a natural/green living, eat lots of organic fruits and do the yoga. But they don't call it yoga..Its YOGO. Suitable for toddlers & kids..Super cute!!

And guess what? Miya pun ikut Yogo. She tried her best to follow & do the positions. memang Super Kawaiii!! (Nanti when I get the chance, I'll get it on video & upload it).

Wah wah..like mother like daughter. Maybe coz dah biasa buat time dlm tummy..

So now we both do Yogo each morning depan TV. Bagus juga ada Waybuloo, kurangnya Mama ada chance nak yoga dgn Miya. Hmm..maybe after this I try pasang Yogazone and see if Miya nak follow. Takut it would be too boring for her coz no cute character in the video.

Mama suka Yoga..Miya suka Yogo

Ever since zaman anak dara lagi I've been doing yoga 2-3 kali seminggu. It helps me to keep fit and badan rasa sihat. Believe me, jarang kena migraine or period pain kalau I buat everyday. Back pain & stiff shoulder pun kurang.

My last yoga routine was the daily pre-natal yoga I did throughout my whole pregnancy. It did help me a lot in going through pregnancy pain & alhamdulillah my labour was a swift...

However, after dah ada Miya, no yoga. I do just whatever exercise I can do. Belly dance while blogging or doing house work, walking while pushing the pram to the market and our usual 7km "family morning walk". The only form of yoga I am still doing now is the Solat. I have always think that solat position is similar to yoga if you do it right and during solat you play and meditate. Betul kan?

Baru-baru ni ada show on TV for kids called Waybuloo. The 1st time Miya watched it. She loves it to the core. The show is a bit of a natural & new age teaching...hippie too. So the characters (called piplings) live a natural/green living, eat lots of organic fruits and do the yoga. But they don't call it yoga..Its YOGO. Suitable for toddlers & kids..Super cute!!

And guess what? Miya pun ikut Yogo. She tried her best to follow & do the positions. memang Super Kawaiii!! (Nanti when I get the chance, I'll get it on video & upload it).

Wah wah..like mother like daughter. Maybe coz dah biasa buat time dlm tummy..

So now we both do Yogo each morning depan TV. Bagus juga ada Waybuloo, kurangnya Mama ada chance nak yoga dgn Miya. Hmm..maybe after this I try pasang Yogazone and see if Miya nak follow. Takut it would be too boring for her coz no cute character in the video.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

What is Spatial Skill? (Part 2)

Ini sambungan from my previous post on
Spatial Skills.

This ability is important for generating and conceptualizing solutions to multi-step problems that arise in areas such as architecture, engineering, science, mathematics, art, games, and everyday life.

Some little things to know about the profile of a person with great spatial skills:

“A profile of an individual with higher acuity to spatial-temporal reasoning is otherwise referred to as having an exceptional spatial awareness. These children think in pictures and images.

They tend to perceive the environment holistically, storing information in a non-sequential fashion, revealing the strength of their right-brain processing.

Their rich internal imagery makes them very imaginative and creative. They are the visual learners. They like posters and pictures and movies and other visual presentations of new information. They are daydreamers, sometimes becoming so engrossed in their own internal "movie" that they don't seem aware of the external environment.

But, don't be fooled. They are also keen observers of the world around them, noticing subtleties and details that most of us miss. They also have an excellent awareness of space, the orientation of their body and others.” –about.com

Hmm..I perhati Miya does have these characteristic. How about your kids? But I guess most kids of an eager leaner nature, do have these characteristics, right?

So among the things I have been doing in trying to develop these skills with Miya (in which she enjoys a lot), I let her play organizing games. Stack things up, organize/coordinate in colors, arrange/rearrange and many more.

These are the little things I can do to contribute to my child’s growth. How about your contribution? Do share with us.

What is Spatial Skill? (Part 2)

Ini sambungan from my previous post on
Spatial Skills.

This ability is important for generating and conceptualizing solutions to multi-step problems that arise in areas such as architecture, engineering, science, mathematics, art, games, and everyday life.

Some little things to know about the profile of a person with great spatial skills:

“A profile of an individual with higher acuity to spatial-temporal reasoning is otherwise referred to as having an exceptional spatial awareness. These children think in pictures and images.

They tend to perceive the environment holistically, storing information in a non-sequential fashion, revealing the strength of their right-brain processing.

Their rich internal imagery makes them very imaginative and creative. They are the visual learners. They like posters and pictures and movies and other visual presentations of new information. They are daydreamers, sometimes becoming so engrossed in their own internal "movie" that they don't seem aware of the external environment.

But, don't be fooled. They are also keen observers of the world around them, noticing subtleties and details that most of us miss. They also have an excellent awareness of space, the orientation of their body and others.” –about.com

Hmm..I perhati Miya does have these characteristic. How about your kids? But I guess most kids of an eager leaner nature, do have these characteristics, right?

So among the things I have been doing in trying to develop these skills with Miya (in which she enjoys a lot), I let her play organizing games. Stack things up, organize/coordinate in colors, arrange/rearrange and many more.

These are the little things I can do to contribute to my child’s growth. How about your contribution? Do share with us.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My method in trying/ensuring a flat/fit abs?

di buat time sorang or time dgn miya la..
jgn dibuat depan org lain...malu..hikhikhik...

i biasa mengadap computer sambil berdiri,
so cara ni boleh di buat sambil berblog. ;)

My method in trying/ensuring a flat/fit abs?

di buat time sorang or time dgn miya la..
jgn dibuat depan org lain...malu..hikhikhik...

i biasa mengadap computer sambil berdiri,
so cara ni boleh di buat sambil berblog. ;)

Monday, January 11, 2010

Something Good for Low Blood Pressure Mom

Naik tak darah?

So...like all vandals, Miya sentenced to Community Service...

Again I thank God for the creation of washable crayons!!

Something Good for Low Blood Pressure Mom

Naik tak darah?

So...like all vandals, Miya sentenced to Community Service...

Again I thank God for the creation of washable crayons!!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Breastmilk vs Formula Milk

A hot topic for Aussie news today:

Breastmilk no better than formula, says ProfessorSven Carlsen.

BREAST milk was no better for a baby than formula, a European pregnancy expert has said, claiming it made a child only slightly healthier.

Britain's Daily Mail newspaper has reported that Norwegian professor Sven Carlsen this week said breast-fed babies were slightly healthier, but it was not the milk that made the difference.

Instead, he said, babies who were breast-fed had benefited from better conditions in the womb.

The professor, an expert in the hormonal changes of pregnancy, claimed: "Baby formula is as good as breast milk."

The bold statement is likely to reignite debate over whether "breast is best" and will possibly confuse mothers who are under pressure from Britain's Department of Health to feed their babies on breast milk alone for the first six months of life.

Britain's National Health Service leaflets tell mothers that breastfeeding exclusively for the first six months will help prevent obesity, eczema and ear, chest and tummy bugs.

Avoiding formula, they are told, will cut the odds of a child becoming a fussy eater, as well as cut the mother's odds of some cancers and help with weight loss.

Australia's Federal Government last year endorsed breast milk with a new strategy designed to increase community acceptance, establish breastfeeding support networks and improve training for health professionals.

In June last year, the Queensland Government also endorsed a pro-breastfeeding policy.

Prof Carlsen's claim came after he carried out a review of more than 50 studies into the relationship between health and breastfeeding.

Most concluded that the longer a child was nursed, the healthier it would be.

The professor said while this might be true, it was because of a healthier pregnancy.

His research shows that high levels of the male sex hormone testosterone in the womb affect a woman's ability to produce milk and to breastfeed.

With testosterone levels affected by the health of the placenta, which ferries oxygen and nutrients to the baby, the professor believes high amounts indicate poorer conditions in the womb overall.

This means any differences in the health of a baby bottle-fed because its mother finds breastfeeding difficult are set before birth, rather than afterwards.

But a spokeswoman for England's Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, Charlotte Wright, said the claims were "irresponsible and overblown".

"Women should remember that we were not designed to be bottle-fed," she said.

"Formula is an artificial alternative."

So what do mommies out there think?

To me, if the mommy is healthy & is able to provide breastmilk, why don't they just give it a go. Breastmilk is filled with LIVING cells and active antibody. Its free and healthy. As for Formula milk will cost most parents around $50-100 a month with the best combination of nutrition in trying to imitate the breastmilk properties. Breastfeeding mom just need to buy a proper breastpump with all its storage bottle and cooling set (in which can be used for years), cost as low as $120 up to $400. Mommies should also remember the benefits breastfeeding gives to the mother. Its not just about the $$, it the health benefit. Your womb shrinks to its original size faster, lesser risk on cancer, and that special bond.

But if a mom not able to breastfeed, we have no rights to judge them. We could never be a good mom, if we judge people without hearing their side of the story.

Anyway Formula Milk is a good alternative, provided that it is from a reliable and safe source. I had my moments when I was not able to provide the sufficient amount of breastmilk to Miya, so I did gave her the occasional Formula Milk feed.

However moms should also remember that both type of milk does have their own cons.

For breastmilk, many studies have proven that toxic traces have been found in them. It comes from the mother's body that have been polluted by the "baddy" world today. Mommy's food and diet, mommy's cosmetics, mommy's clothes, mommy's medicine, detergent, pillows...and the list goes on. So mommy need to be smart and green to overcome this problem.

For formula milk, babies may have to go thru mind boggling, allergies and tummy aching series on the search for the most suitable formula. Sometimes babies just don't like the taste. Some babies can't even tolerate cow's milk base formula milk. Some mom's worry that soy base formula milk would give a negative impact on their baby boy's manly growth....and Goat's milk formula milk is just too expensive...

So...........I guess it depend on what's your cup of tea....what tickle your fancy...

As for me, I am happy with what I can provide for Miya. Miya is now 20months, still breastfeed, eating yummy homemade food and with a compliment of 225ml Pediasure Complete a day (additional nutri, if incase she is not getting enough).

Miya had 5+months fully breastfeed prior to complimentary breastfeed. Just happen to be that breastfeeding works for me.

FUCK YOU UP!!! son of a bitch