me likey!!
But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful.
me likey toooooooo........
whoaaa.. i don't think i can walk in all those heels.. tapi memang cantik!
amboii mama...camno nk pakai tu pastu nak dukung miya eheh...tp mmg tantekkk pon
modern mom n fashionable moms shud love these!no reason for how2 how2.takkan dah ade anak nak nmpak cantik takleh kwn2? :p .great high taste mama miya!i love shoessssssssssssssss.chuzzzzz ba kata ryan hahaha
heels rupa cam tanduk..
i'm tall enuf doesn't any of these... ;-)
memang aku x pakai la..x praktikal nak dukung budak.hehehe
bestnyaaaa cantikkkk! i love yang paling atas and yang paling kanan. but i'm pretty sure my hubby would love those boots, he always fancy me wearing those hahaha :-p
cunnn but org yg tinggi mcm i ni pakai kasut gini makin melayut..rs nak terbalik jaaa..hahaha
me mmg fail pakai heel yg tinggi nih..bila pakai rasa jalan mcm robot..me mmg tak fashionable pun..tapi cantik sgt shoes dlm gambar tu...
i also love it.. mau jatuh kalau pakai nie..
cantiklaa koleksi kasut2 nih tapi mmg tak sesuaila nk buat bejalan..ahahaha...mau tepelecok kaki..
doesnt mean shorty really need these.i am 170cm still pakai those heels.even super model which is damn shit taller like a net ball player pun still pakai 6inch heels.dont worry mama miya,this is great,at least ure sharing with moms yg suka heels.loved ur taste.high taste.
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