I have always been proud of my darling daughter's developments.
At 2 weeks old, she gave me her 1st smile.
At 4 weeks old, she manage to hold her head up for a few seconds when i lay her on her tummy.
At around 3 months, she gave her 1st laugh in her sleep. (huk aloh, anak aku ngigau gelak sorang2 tgh malam)
Also around the 3rd month, she started to sleep thru the night and only wakes up at 5am for milk.
then at 5months, she started to grab our finger & tried to stand up. She could even sit on her own without support!! How she did it? She hold on to something, climb up, then get into seating position and then sit up straight with all pride.
At 6months, she can climb on us effortlessly. She could understand the word sit down & stand up. She even tried to walk!! Imagine this, she took out finger to help her stand as a support and once she have manage to stand straight, she will try to walk & let go of our fingers.
and only around this time, she started to roll over.
At 7month, she only learned on the soldier/snake crawling move.If I lay her on her belly and scatter toys around her, she just flips to her back and scoots backward. Sometimes she just roll all over the place to get to her destination. And now she is 8month, i saw a white spot on her gum..hmm must be teething, not crawling. more interested to be climbing onto furniture & stand up. Make attempt to stand on her own without support. She often got into the crawling position, then thats it..either she climbs onto something or sit up.
How can I encourage her to crawl?
*ni menurun perangai papa miya la ni, jenis cepat bosan dgn benda2 normal ni. so nak skip grade all the time. so will miya learn to walk before crawl?
baby saya pun 8 months blm crawling lg. at 10 months baru hype nk crawl. nurse kat klinik kesihatan pun dah bising suruh buat stimulation activity. saya buat tp x jln pun. cuba try, amik kain batik, buat mcm buai. letak miya dlm buai tu, tgn n kaki keluarkan, perut n dada kat dlm. angkat sket kain tu jdkn position miya mcm merangkak.
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