Thursday, July 30, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Edamame helps to increase Breast Milk?

Back few days, we had Edamame for snack before bed. We happen to have found them being sold at 'laguna' (asian grocer in QV Melb) and I begged Papa-Miya to buy a bag of it. I really missed edamame. It reminds me of our happy hour sessions at Japanese restaurants, dari zaman dating dulu until dah berfamily.
So that night, I boiled around 500g of the frozen edamame and we enjoyed it while watching "one piece" (our fav anime for this season). Miya pun suka. Mula-mula dia geli nak pegang edamame sebab the kacang berbulu, but after I took out the pod and suap some to her... Terus laju mintak lagi.
Then the next morning, I woke up at 5am with boobs keras and baju basah. Cadar pun basah. Woah, susu banyak. I was also a bit confused cos Miya ada terjaga tengah malam tadi and minum susu. So biasanye kalau gitu, bila I bangun subuh susu takde la banyak sebegini.
So I tried tracking balik on what I had the night before that could have caused my BM to increase. We had fajitas for dinner at 5.45pm. Then I had coffee and some potato chips at around 8pm. Finally, Edamame at around 10pm. Could it be the edamame, since its the only food that I ate that is out of the norm?
From wiki, I learned Edamame contain higher levels of abscisic acid, sucrose, protein than other types of soybean. They also contain a high source of vitamin A, vitamin B and calcium. Edamame also contains protein, which further helps stabilize blood sugar, and omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to combat depression.
However, for some people with weak tummy, jangan makan banyak sangat tau as it can also result in a laxative effect.
So BFing mommies out there yg senang nak beli edamame, why don't you give it a try and give me some feed back on its result? I tak nak la pulak i ni syok sorang and kata edamame ni betul-betul increase BM.
Edamame helps to increase Breast Milk?

Back few days, we had Edamame for snack before bed. We happen to have found them being sold at 'laguna' (asian grocer in QV Melb) and I begged Papa-Miya to buy a bag of it. I really missed edamame. It reminds me of our happy hour sessions at Japanese restaurants, dari zaman dating dulu until dah berfamily.
So that night, I boiled around 500g of the frozen edamame and we enjoyed it while watching "one piece" (our fav anime for this season). Miya pun suka. Mula-mula dia geli nak pegang edamame sebab the kacang berbulu, but after I took out the pod and suap some to her... Terus laju mintak lagi.
Then the next morning, I woke up at 5am with boobs keras and baju basah. Cadar pun basah. Woah, susu banyak. I was also a bit confused cos Miya ada terjaga tengah malam tadi and minum susu. So biasanye kalau gitu, bila I bangun subuh susu takde la banyak sebegini.
So I tried tracking balik on what I had the night before that could have caused my BM to increase. We had fajitas for dinner at 5.45pm. Then I had coffee and some potato chips at around 8pm. Finally, Edamame at around 10pm. Could it be the edamame, since its the only food that I ate that is out of the norm?
From wiki, I learned Edamame contain higher levels of abscisic acid, sucrose, protein than other types of soybean. They also contain a high source of vitamin A, vitamin B and calcium. Edamame also contains protein, which further helps stabilize blood sugar, and omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to combat depression.
However, for some people with weak tummy, jangan makan banyak sangat tau as it can also result in a laxative effect.
So BFing mommies out there yg senang nak beli edamame, why don't you give it a try and give me some feed back on its result? I tak nak la pulak i ni syok sorang and kata edamame ni betul-betul increase BM.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Miya the late teether...

Back few months ago, I did a poll in my blog asking mommies out there on when their kid start teething. This is because Miya is now almost 15months old but she has no teeth at all.
Tapi, I dok rasa her lower gum, every so often and I think I rasa 2 batang gigi coming soon. The gum haven't cut yet, but when i had a look at it... I can see 2 little white lines. OMG, Miya finally nak tumbuh gigi ke?
Some special babies teethe early. Usually the poor mommies have to endure the agonizing infant teether. Teeth erupting in a baby younger than 5 or 6 months is considered early teething, but it’s not incredibly rare to hear of a baby with a couple of teeth by 4 months or even 3 months of age. Remember, symptoms may be displayed well before those pearly whites actually appear.
Teeth buds grow during the first trimester of pregnancy, and you may have heard of babies who were born with teeth—even a full set of them. These instances of “natal teeth” are highly unusual, affectingly only about 1 in 2,000 to 3,000 newborns, according to the National Institutes of Health. Oftentimes, these teeth are not deeply rooted and must be removed to avoid nursing or other feeding problems, or the risk of choking in the case that they detach and are swallowed or breathed into the lungs.
On the other end of the spectrum, some babies teeth very late. Miya is one of the little “late teether”. Such “delayed teething,” defined as no teeth having appeared by 13 months, can be hereditary, so if you’re worried ask your parents if they got their teeth late. I was told by some of my relatives that I am a late teether myself and therefore, Miya is just following my footsteps.
However, in other cases, late teething can be a result of poor nutrition, thyroid problems, an obstruction in the gums or other medical issues, and it’s best to consult a doctor. Having these matters noted in my little head, I just keep on monitoring Miya’s “missing teeth” progress.
From my reading, I have been reassured over and over by experts, pediatrician and a pediatric dentist that Baby’s teeth would emerge when they were darn good and ready.
Further, from my reading, experts said if your toddler haven't start teething at 18months, parents should start scream for help. I didn't mean scream as in jerit tolong. Parents should contact their pediatrician and also consult a pediatric dentist . They should provide a proper advice on what we should do in those cases.
From my little research on late teether, I had also found a few “Old Wives’ Tales”. Memacam benda karut about teething ni and have been warned to ignore them.
Among some teething myths you may hear if your baby cuts teeth early or late, some of the things might sakit kan hati and some provide some comfort to moms. For example, some believe that early teeth are a sign of intelligence. And there was a time that a baby born with teeth was shunned as unlucky, selfish or a variety of other maladies. Bunk, all of it. Supposedly, however, Napoleon Bonaparte and Julius Caesar were born with teeth. I was also told that it is good that your child is a late teether . It has something to do with their good luck.
Whatever dever la...I just need Miya to have some teeth soon because kesian. She really wanna eat everything, but most of the time she will kick off a hell of frustration coz she can't bite a piece of the food. Contoh, she almost throw tantrum bila dia dok gigit ayam goreng, but nothing come off. Dia dapat amik rasa aje. Kesian kan?
Miya the late teether...

Back few months ago, I did a poll in my blog asking mommies out there on when their kid start teething. This is because Miya is now almost 15months old but she has no teeth at all.
Tapi, I dok rasa her lower gum, every so often and I think I rasa 2 batang gigi coming soon. The gum haven't cut yet, but when i had a look at it... I can see 2 little white lines. OMG, Miya finally nak tumbuh gigi ke?
Some special babies teethe early. Usually the poor mommies have to endure the agonizing infant teether. Teeth erupting in a baby younger than 5 or 6 months is considered early teething, but it’s not incredibly rare to hear of a baby with a couple of teeth by 4 months or even 3 months of age. Remember, symptoms may be displayed well before those pearly whites actually appear.
Teeth buds grow during the first trimester of pregnancy, and you may have heard of babies who were born with teeth—even a full set of them. These instances of “natal teeth” are highly unusual, affectingly only about 1 in 2,000 to 3,000 newborns, according to the National Institutes of Health. Oftentimes, these teeth are not deeply rooted and must be removed to avoid nursing or other feeding problems, or the risk of choking in the case that they detach and are swallowed or breathed into the lungs.
On the other end of the spectrum, some babies teeth very late. Miya is one of the little “late teether”. Such “delayed teething,” defined as no teeth having appeared by 13 months, can be hereditary, so if you’re worried ask your parents if they got their teeth late. I was told by some of my relatives that I am a late teether myself and therefore, Miya is just following my footsteps.
However, in other cases, late teething can be a result of poor nutrition, thyroid problems, an obstruction in the gums or other medical issues, and it’s best to consult a doctor. Having these matters noted in my little head, I just keep on monitoring Miya’s “missing teeth” progress.
From my reading, I have been reassured over and over by experts, pediatrician and a pediatric dentist that Baby’s teeth would emerge when they were darn good and ready.
Further, from my reading, experts said if your toddler haven't start teething at 18months, parents should start scream for help. I didn't mean scream as in jerit tolong. Parents should contact their pediatrician and also consult a pediatric dentist . They should provide a proper advice on what we should do in those cases.
From my little research on late teether, I had also found a few “Old Wives’ Tales”. Memacam benda karut about teething ni and have been warned to ignore them.
Among some teething myths you may hear if your baby cuts teeth early or late, some of the things might sakit kan hati and some provide some comfort to moms. For example, some believe that early teeth are a sign of intelligence. And there was a time that a baby born with teeth was shunned as unlucky, selfish or a variety of other maladies. Bunk, all of it. Supposedly, however, Napoleon Bonaparte and Julius Caesar were born with teeth. I was also told that it is good that your child is a late teether . It has something to do with their good luck.
Whatever dever la...I just need Miya to have some teeth soon because kesian. She really wanna eat everything, but most of the time she will kick off a hell of frustration coz she can't bite a piece of the food. Contoh, she almost throw tantrum bila dia dok gigit ayam goreng, but nothing come off. Dia dapat amik rasa aje. Kesian kan?
Monday, July 20, 2009
Menu for My Toddler
From my reading and observation on Miya, I found that infant eats like there is no tomorrow, but a toddler begins to realize that if he or she doesn’t eat now there will be another meal later. This is actually a good sign because we know that our child have started to learn to use their brain to think of their choices to make. Also, our child had started to memorize their daily routine that contains mealtimes.
Picky eating habits may last until close to 4 years old in many toddlers. Sometimes it is recognized as toddler appetite slump (as how I’ve wrote earlier in my blog). 1 point on what parents should know is that at 12 to 18 months, growth rate slows and a toddler’s body does not require as many calories or as much protein during the next 2 years.
However, their vitamin and mineral requirements actually do go up. Only giving a toddler healthy food choices is your best start.
Not uncommonly, they will only eat one good meal a day and refuse foods or pick around at other meals. They may eat heavy one day and eat little or nothing for the next day or two. Miya is exactly like that. Example, today she could be eating a lot with great appetite and the next day, she’ll be only interested to eat a few spoonful at each meal. This is normal and toddlers should not be forced to eat. However, they also need some limits set, in case they just refuse to eat because they want to play.
Therefore, I’ve prepared a set of menu as a guide for me, and perhaps an idea to some mommies out there that might be facing the same thing in making sure out toddlers are meeting their nutritional requirements and what it takes to meet those requirements. At some cases, it may be helpful to introduce a good multivitamin/mineral supplement if we fail to get them to eat food fortified with those nutrients. In our case, I will give Miya a bottle of Pediasure Complete on a day when she is eating too little. A bottle should be equivalent to a complete meal of rice, vege and meat.
One-Year Old Miya One-Day Menu (click on the image to have a better view of the menu)

This menu is for a one-year-old child who weighs at around 10kg and above. Their calorie intake requirement is only between 900-1700 calories a day (on average). Anything lesser, they might not gain healthy weight and anything more, they might turn into an obese child.
Like Miya, she will not really 100% consume all of these meals I had prepared for her. Therefore, that is why I still let her have quite a lot of milk in between meals. The milk and drink will usually be around 600-800 calorie a day. Experts might say that toddlers are not eating much because they are having too much milk and leaving no room for solid food. As for me, I believe in the method of “whatever works”. If my little girl is not eating much, is it wrong for me to be supplementing her calorie intake by giving her milk to make it up for the unaccounted calories?
Toddlers usually make up for poor meals later on. If your toddler refuses a certain food today, try offering it again in a week or two and their taste might have changed. Variety is the spice of life, so offer your child a variety of foods. Variety also helps with the odds of your toddler getting the nutritional requirements they need.
Watch your toddler’s over-all eating habits. Sometimes, poor eating habits can be a sign of allergy or illness. Just like the rest of us, a toddler’s appetite may slacken considerably during cold or flu.
• Fruit gives crunchy fibre, vitamins and energy. Young babies and toddlers enjoy finger food. Cut fruit into pieces.
• Vegetables give colour, vitamins, minerals and important fibre. Cut into bite size pieces so they can be held and chewed. Start with one or two pieces on the plate and let the toddler experience new textures and tastes. Vegetables can be used as in-between snacks.
• Yoghurt of many yummy flavour (chocolate, vanilla, fruits) is high in calcium and protein with friendly bacteria which can boost the immune system; an ideal dessert or in-between snack.
• Bread-It is satisfying, soft, easy to digest and has no need for spread. It encourages babies to chew. Have as toast, sandwiches or incorporate in cooking.
• Breakfast Cereals-Try and aim for less than 10% fat and 10% sugar and greater than 6% fibre per 100g of cereal. Cereals are good for breakfast and snacks and encourages the consumption of milk.
• Pasta may be presented in different sizes and shapes or noodles. Sometimes these can form the basis of soups or main meal with sauces. The small alphabet pasta with the varying shapes will appeal to children. Combined with small quantities of meat, fish or chicken and vegetables for an inexpensive and balanced meal.
• Eggs are high in protein, iron, folate and B12. They are easy to digest and eat and make a convenient meal. Combine soldiers (toasted bread fingers) with a soft cooked egg and some carrot sticks for a balanced combination.
• Mince Beef-This is high in iron and protein and easy to chew. It forms the basis of dishes like savoury mince, mince patties, spaghetti bolognaise and mini meatballs.
• Baked Beans-High in protein, fibre and low in fat; they are handy for a quick lunch or as an addition to breakfast.
• Cheese and vegemite fingers-A good snack food for toddlers 9 months and onward.
Avoid as many processed foods as you can for your toddler, avoid sugary, empty calorie snacks. But remember, "Everything in Moderation" when choosing foods, snacks and meal routines for your toddler and you will be well on your way to raising a happy, healthy child.
Don’t be too stressed out and have too much “pantang” for your child’s meal, or else you are going to turn into one stressed out mom. Also believe me, the more we feel like “mempantang” food intake anak, the more forces yang akan go against our will and want to sabotage our mission.
(the menu I've set is suitable for lil kids with no teeth and as u can see from this mug shot... Miya still have zero teeth)
20/7/09-12.53noon- edited as adviced by Qay- 1700 calorie is too much for toddler. 1700 almost to adult's intake.
22/7/09- 11.15am- i read KKM suggest healthy calorie intake utk toddler 1-4yrs old of asian roots is 900-1300 calories. so dah sah la my info of 900-1700 calorie ni utk anak2 mat salleh.
Menu for My Toddler
From my reading and observation on Miya, I found that infant eats like there is no tomorrow, but a toddler begins to realize that if he or she doesn’t eat now there will be another meal later. This is actually a good sign because we know that our child have started to learn to use their brain to think of their choices to make. Also, our child had started to memorize their daily routine that contains mealtimes.
Picky eating habits may last until close to 4 years old in many toddlers. Sometimes it is recognized as toddler appetite slump (as how I’ve wrote earlier in my blog). 1 point on what parents should know is that at 12 to 18 months, growth rate slows and a toddler’s body does not require as many calories or as much protein during the next 2 years.
However, their vitamin and mineral requirements actually do go up. Only giving a toddler healthy food choices is your best start.
Not uncommonly, they will only eat one good meal a day and refuse foods or pick around at other meals. They may eat heavy one day and eat little or nothing for the next day or two. Miya is exactly like that. Example, today she could be eating a lot with great appetite and the next day, she’ll be only interested to eat a few spoonful at each meal. This is normal and toddlers should not be forced to eat. However, they also need some limits set, in case they just refuse to eat because they want to play.
Therefore, I’ve prepared a set of menu as a guide for me, and perhaps an idea to some mommies out there that might be facing the same thing in making sure out toddlers are meeting their nutritional requirements and what it takes to meet those requirements. At some cases, it may be helpful to introduce a good multivitamin/mineral supplement if we fail to get them to eat food fortified with those nutrients. In our case, I will give Miya a bottle of Pediasure Complete on a day when she is eating too little. A bottle should be equivalent to a complete meal of rice, vege and meat.
One-Year Old Miya One-Day Menu (click on the image to have a better view of the menu)

This menu is for a one-year-old child who weighs at around 10kg and above. Their calorie intake requirement is only between 900-1700 calories a day (on average). Anything lesser, they might not gain healthy weight and anything more, they might turn into an obese child.
Like Miya, she will not really 100% consume all of these meals I had prepared for her. Therefore, that is why I still let her have quite a lot of milk in between meals. The milk and drink will usually be around 600-800 calorie a day. Experts might say that toddlers are not eating much because they are having too much milk and leaving no room for solid food. As for me, I believe in the method of “whatever works”. If my little girl is not eating much, is it wrong for me to be supplementing her calorie intake by giving her milk to make it up for the unaccounted calories?
Toddlers usually make up for poor meals later on. If your toddler refuses a certain food today, try offering it again in a week or two and their taste might have changed. Variety is the spice of life, so offer your child a variety of foods. Variety also helps with the odds of your toddler getting the nutritional requirements they need.
Watch your toddler’s over-all eating habits. Sometimes, poor eating habits can be a sign of allergy or illness. Just like the rest of us, a toddler’s appetite may slacken considerably during cold or flu.
• Fruit gives crunchy fibre, vitamins and energy. Young babies and toddlers enjoy finger food. Cut fruit into pieces.
• Vegetables give colour, vitamins, minerals and important fibre. Cut into bite size pieces so they can be held and chewed. Start with one or two pieces on the plate and let the toddler experience new textures and tastes. Vegetables can be used as in-between snacks.
• Yoghurt of many yummy flavour (chocolate, vanilla, fruits) is high in calcium and protein with friendly bacteria which can boost the immune system; an ideal dessert or in-between snack.
• Bread-It is satisfying, soft, easy to digest and has no need for spread. It encourages babies to chew. Have as toast, sandwiches or incorporate in cooking.
• Breakfast Cereals-Try and aim for less than 10% fat and 10% sugar and greater than 6% fibre per 100g of cereal. Cereals are good for breakfast and snacks and encourages the consumption of milk.
• Pasta may be presented in different sizes and shapes or noodles. Sometimes these can form the basis of soups or main meal with sauces. The small alphabet pasta with the varying shapes will appeal to children. Combined with small quantities of meat, fish or chicken and vegetables for an inexpensive and balanced meal.
• Eggs are high in protein, iron, folate and B12. They are easy to digest and eat and make a convenient meal. Combine soldiers (toasted bread fingers) with a soft cooked egg and some carrot sticks for a balanced combination.
• Mince Beef-This is high in iron and protein and easy to chew. It forms the basis of dishes like savoury mince, mince patties, spaghetti bolognaise and mini meatballs.
• Baked Beans-High in protein, fibre and low in fat; they are handy for a quick lunch or as an addition to breakfast.
• Cheese and vegemite fingers-A good snack food for toddlers 9 months and onward.
Avoid as many processed foods as you can for your toddler, avoid sugary, empty calorie snacks. But remember, "Everything in Moderation" when choosing foods, snacks and meal routines for your toddler and you will be well on your way to raising a happy, healthy child.
Don’t be too stressed out and have too much “pantang” for your child’s meal, or else you are going to turn into one stressed out mom. Also believe me, the more we feel like “mempantang” food intake anak, the more forces yang akan go against our will and want to sabotage our mission.
(the menu I've set is suitable for lil kids with no teeth and as u can see from this mug shot... Miya still have zero teeth)
20/7/09-12.53noon- edited as adviced by Qay- 1700 calorie is too much for toddler. 1700 almost to adult's intake.
22/7/09- 11.15am- i read KKM suggest healthy calorie intake utk toddler 1-4yrs old of asian roots is 900-1300 calories. so dah sah la my info of 900-1700 calorie ni utk anak2 mat salleh.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Mommies coping with stress (part 6-I'm a fantastic mother! Am I?)

Before we have our own children, we have this idea that when our time comes, we’ll try to be the best parent that has ever raised a child.
Mums-to-be can sometimes harshly judge other mothers when we see them battling with a toddler having a meltdown in the supermarket or at the park, thinking: 'That won’t happen to me.’ Our expectations are even higher if we’ve enjoyed success in our career and know what it’s like to set goals and achieve them.
Then along comes baby. Although in the first few weeks most of us feel blessed to be coping with a newborn who only sleeps and feeds, soon there’s more to it. It’s at this point that we realise the antenatal classes and the pregnancy guides did not quite prepare us for the feeling of being so out of control. We madly scramble to find out the answers – from books, from friends, our mums and the internet. Often we end up more confused than before we started.
Great expectations? So what do most mums do when they feel out of control? They attempt to regain control. They try harder to establish routines and run a tight ship. Mothers of newborns can be very controlling when it comes to the dads or grandparents caring for the baby.
Everything is done for the purpose of having a happy, healthy child, but it feels as if there is very little room for error. As a result, their expectations start to become increasingly unrealistic, while the fear of failing becomes stronger.
Learning to let go? Instead of trying to gain greater control of the situation, the answer often lies in relinquishing control and challenging the whole idea of trying to be a supermum.
Each child is different and, no matter how hard you try, it will simply take time to discover what your baby needs and when. Giving yourself a break by allowing your partner or your parents to do things their way is an excellent way to relieve the unnecessary pressure you could be putting on yourself.
Banish self-doubt? Some mums find the supermum complex only comes into play when their children start school. They hear about other kids doing extra reading, swimming well or already having mastered the piano, and the self-doubt starts creeping in. Should I be doing more to help my child? Am I being the best mum I can be?
So we look into organising music lessons, contemplate an intensive swimming class, buy extra workbooks to hurry along comprehension skills or play a CD with the times tables sung brightly in the car to aid maths skills. But all that happens is we feel more overwhelmed and stressed. Mums need to work things out at their own pace so they can enjoy the experience.
Furthermore, stop competing with other moms on who can be the better mom (including our own mom and mom in law)...or else we might end up being the MEAN MOM!! We just provide what we can to our loved ones and never to compare.
I read that positive parenting might help in putting stop to unrealistic pressure on yourself.
* Be flexible. The more relaxed you are about how quickly things change, the easier it will be to cope.
* Make some ‘me time’. Spending every moment working in or around the home will not lower your stress. Taking time out is good for you and, ultimately, your children. Try taking a soak in the tub whenever you can or even a 10-15mins hot shower will help.
* Are they happy and healthy? How well they talk or how quickly they learn to read has no bearing on their contentment and wellbeing.
* Every mum is different. Peer pressure among mothers can be fierce. Resist the urge to follow everyone else – do it your way.
* Reminisce. Think about how you were brought up. What did you benefit from and what would you do differently? Also ask your partner for their memories.
* Learn from mistakes. You will make them. Instead of feeling guilty, use errors to work out how to tackle things another way.
* Forget trying to do it all - you'll be a better parent if you're relaxed and happy.
Also you can find cool tips & trick in managing mommy chaos at this website:
Mommies coping with stress (part 6-I'm a fantastic mother! Am I?)

Before we have our own children, we have this idea that when our time comes, we’ll try to be the best parent that has ever raised a child.
Mums-to-be can sometimes harshly judge other mothers when we see them battling with a toddler having a meltdown in the supermarket or at the park, thinking: 'That won’t happen to me.’ Our expectations are even higher if we’ve enjoyed success in our career and know what it’s like to set goals and achieve them.
Then along comes baby. Although in the first few weeks most of us feel blessed to be coping with a newborn who only sleeps and feeds, soon there’s more to it. It’s at this point that we realise the antenatal classes and the pregnancy guides did not quite prepare us for the feeling of being so out of control. We madly scramble to find out the answers – from books, from friends, our mums and the internet. Often we end up more confused than before we started.
Great expectations? So what do most mums do when they feel out of control? They attempt to regain control. They try harder to establish routines and run a tight ship. Mothers of newborns can be very controlling when it comes to the dads or grandparents caring for the baby.
Everything is done for the purpose of having a happy, healthy child, but it feels as if there is very little room for error. As a result, their expectations start to become increasingly unrealistic, while the fear of failing becomes stronger.
Learning to let go? Instead of trying to gain greater control of the situation, the answer often lies in relinquishing control and challenging the whole idea of trying to be a supermum.
Each child is different and, no matter how hard you try, it will simply take time to discover what your baby needs and when. Giving yourself a break by allowing your partner or your parents to do things their way is an excellent way to relieve the unnecessary pressure you could be putting on yourself.
Banish self-doubt? Some mums find the supermum complex only comes into play when their children start school. They hear about other kids doing extra reading, swimming well or already having mastered the piano, and the self-doubt starts creeping in. Should I be doing more to help my child? Am I being the best mum I can be?
So we look into organising music lessons, contemplate an intensive swimming class, buy extra workbooks to hurry along comprehension skills or play a CD with the times tables sung brightly in the car to aid maths skills. But all that happens is we feel more overwhelmed and stressed. Mums need to work things out at their own pace so they can enjoy the experience.
Furthermore, stop competing with other moms on who can be the better mom (including our own mom and mom in law)...or else we might end up being the MEAN MOM!! We just provide what we can to our loved ones and never to compare.
I read that positive parenting might help in putting stop to unrealistic pressure on yourself.
* Be flexible. The more relaxed you are about how quickly things change, the easier it will be to cope.
* Make some ‘me time’. Spending every moment working in or around the home will not lower your stress. Taking time out is good for you and, ultimately, your children. Try taking a soak in the tub whenever you can or even a 10-15mins hot shower will help.
* Are they happy and healthy? How well they talk or how quickly they learn to read has no bearing on their contentment and wellbeing.
* Every mum is different. Peer pressure among mothers can be fierce. Resist the urge to follow everyone else – do it your way.
* Reminisce. Think about how you were brought up. What did you benefit from and what would you do differently? Also ask your partner for their memories.
* Learn from mistakes. You will make them. Instead of feeling guilty, use errors to work out how to tackle things another way.
* Forget trying to do it all - you'll be a better parent if you're relaxed and happy.
Also you can find cool tips & trick in managing mommy chaos at this website:
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Sunday, July 5, 2009
2days down with fever, 1 1/2 days recovering
Mama kena bad fever started on thursday. Fever from Hell.. Sudden panas until you get headache & sudden sejuk until you shiver to the bones with kebas2 everywhere. At 1st there was no pain, but mama woke up with a pain at the right side of her back. Dalam hati mama dah screaming dah, "Shimata!! My kidney problem datang balik?". Tu la padan muka, dah lama tak minum Oo-cha to detox ur kidney. Also mama kan lately sibuk ganti puasa and at night time she didn't drink enough water or cranberry juice to help the kidney detox. Mesti internal mama kering ni. Tu la, tak nak jaga diri sendiri, sibuk nak jaga Miya & Papa aje. Kalau mama sakit, sapa susah? Papa & Miya jugak susah...
Kesian Miya, dapat cuddle dgn mama time menyusu aje. Kesian Papa Miya, kena makan frozen food & leftovers in the fridge aje..
Pagi tadi mama bangun tido feeling much better with just little headache & banyak angin. Gerak sikit burp or proot. Picit skit akan burp or proot.
Tapi yg bagi mama semangat nak terus bangun today is bila nampak muka Miya, Miya buat sign language "I LOVE YOU" sambil saying "AAAI LAAAW"...
I love you too sayang...Mama will be stronger so that I will be there for you all the time.
2days down with fever, 1 1/2 days recovering
Mama kena bad fever started on thursday. Fever from Hell.. Sudden panas until you get headache & sudden sejuk until you shiver to the bones with kebas2 everywhere. At 1st there was no pain, but mama woke up with a pain at the right side of her back. Dalam hati mama dah screaming dah, "Shimata!! My kidney problem datang balik?". Tu la padan muka, dah lama tak minum Oo-cha to detox ur kidney. Also mama kan lately sibuk ganti puasa and at night time she didn't drink enough water or cranberry juice to help the kidney detox. Mesti internal mama kering ni. Tu la, tak nak jaga diri sendiri, sibuk nak jaga Miya & Papa aje. Kalau mama sakit, sapa susah? Papa & Miya jugak susah...
Kesian Miya, dapat cuddle dgn mama time menyusu aje. Kesian Papa Miya, kena makan frozen food & leftovers in the fridge aje..
Pagi tadi mama bangun tido feeling much better with just little headache & banyak angin. Gerak sikit burp or proot. Picit skit akan burp or proot.
Tapi yg bagi mama semangat nak terus bangun today is bila nampak muka Miya, Miya buat sign language "I LOVE YOU" sambil saying "AAAI LAAAW"...
I love you too sayang...Mama will be stronger so that I will be there for you all the time.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Connection Between Child's Brain with Love & Affection given to them.
Back few months I watch Oprah. (Been wanting to write about it, but got stuck with some other stuff.) The show was covering an important topic regarding “children’s brain development linking to love and affection given to them”.
They showed the story of a little girl name Danielle, who is a 10yrs old girl (6yrs old when they found her) with the brain activity/development of an infant. Little Danielle lived on a quiet street in a tiny run down house. A neighbour saw the pale young girl looking out a broken window and called the authorities. When help arrived they found a starving six-year-old wearing nothing but a diaper. She weighed 43 pounds and was unable to speak, she communicated by grunting. The house was filthy with feces and cigarettes on the floor and infested with thousands of cockroaches.
She had been neglected and abused by her family, was found eating whatever found on the ground and she was only wearing a very badly soiled diaper!!! Sad, but true. Then she was adopted by a kind and loving family...and that’s where the uncovering story begins.
As Dr. Perry said in the opening minutes, Danielle's story is just the tip of the iceberg. What happened to Dani at the hands of her birthmom is unthinkable for most emotionally healthy parents. But for thousands of adoptive and foster families, they see children with varying degrees of developmental delays due to trauma daily.
In Dani's case it looks as if she has severe autism or mental retardation. In other cases the child can look like they have ADHD, or can have more sociopathic behaviors, be diagnosed with Reactive Attachment Disorder, or look as if nothing is wrong.
What didn't get detailed in the show was Dr. Perry's book (i didn’t read the whole book, just had a few snapshot on the internet), which is full of case studies that show the myriad of ways that trauma can manifest itself in developing brains. If my understanding is correct, actually Dani is not retarted or autism. It’s just that her brain did not get enough stimulation to grow due to the neglect.
Dr. Perry explained that the effects this neglect has on children can vary, but the lack of brain stimulation in the early years can cause developmental delays and even permanent damage. Neglected children may struggle with basic skills, education and building relationships.
Oprah spoke with Judge Tracy Sheehan via satellite who was appointed Danielle's legal advocate before becoming a judge. Judge Sheehan had never seen a neglect case as bad as Danielle's, saying "It was really mind boggling that a child was so devoid of social skills. She couldn't grab her sippy cup. She couldn't do positive or negative reinforcement regarding potty training...she was being raised like a potted plant, literally."
Further, Dr. Perry spoke on how parenting in this modern age is very different to how children were raised in centuries and generations past. The development of a child's brain benefited from the multiple number of caretakers and close relationships in the past - aunts, grandmothers and others were a regular part of a child's life. Now, children are sent to daycare where 1 adult can care for up to 10 children at a time combined with isolated parents who struggle to cope with the day. Dr. Perry didn't call this neglect, but underdevelopment of a child's potential. It is not that it is not a good thing for us to be sending out kids to daycare, just make sure that your kid still does get sufficient stimulation to aid the brain develop.
Did you know that brain scans prove that a child not receiving the correct stimulus, nurturing and interaction will actually prevent a child's brain from developing in size and actual grey matter?
Dr. Perry was one of the first people to use MRI technology to look at the effects inadequate nurturing and touch or lack of touch can have on the brain of a small child. He compares a brain scan of a normal, healthy 3-year-old child with a child who was severely neglected his first three years of life. "The first thing is that the brain is a little bit smaller. The brains of really severely neglected children tend to be smaller than the brains of children who have not been neglected," he says. "The brain didn't grow and shrink. It just didn't grow”. Shocking? Terkujat?
On the brain scan, Dr. Perry also notices dark spaces in the neglected child's brain. "Big, big ventricular spaces, which will impact sleep, regulation of anxiety, regulation of mood, whether or not you're very happy or sad," he says.
"As you grow, the brain is essentially like a sponge," Dr. Perry says. "It's absorbing all kinds of experiences. So if a child is not held, touched, talked to, interacted with, loved, literally neurons do not make those connections, and many of them actually will die." If you guys remember the TV advertisement susu with the glowing brain, your child’s brain is exactly as it is being demonstrated. The milk might help those tiny cells connect, but true love and attention works better. Do you agree with me?
Simple things like eye contact, touch, rocking and humming can make all the difference to a baby. It makes neurons grow, it makes them make connections.....Then, it makes the brain more functional. So anak akan makin pintar, bukan?
So remember to hug and kiss your kid at every given chance ok, it will make them smarter!!
Connection Between Child's Brain with Love & Affection given to them.
Back few months I watch Oprah. (Been wanting to write about it, but got stuck with some other stuff.) The show was covering an important topic regarding “children’s brain development linking to love and affection given to them”.
They showed the story of a little girl name Danielle, who is a 10yrs old girl (6yrs old when they found her) with the brain activity/development of an infant. Little Danielle lived on a quiet street in a tiny run down house. A neighbour saw the pale young girl looking out a broken window and called the authorities. When help arrived they found a starving six-year-old wearing nothing but a diaper. She weighed 43 pounds and was unable to speak, she communicated by grunting. The house was filthy with feces and cigarettes on the floor and infested with thousands of cockroaches.
She had been neglected and abused by her family, was found eating whatever found on the ground and she was only wearing a very badly soiled diaper!!! Sad, but true. Then she was adopted by a kind and loving family...and that’s where the uncovering story begins.
As Dr. Perry said in the opening minutes, Danielle's story is just the tip of the iceberg. What happened to Dani at the hands of her birthmom is unthinkable for most emotionally healthy parents. But for thousands of adoptive and foster families, they see children with varying degrees of developmental delays due to trauma daily.
In Dani's case it looks as if she has severe autism or mental retardation. In other cases the child can look like they have ADHD, or can have more sociopathic behaviors, be diagnosed with Reactive Attachment Disorder, or look as if nothing is wrong.
What didn't get detailed in the show was Dr. Perry's book (i didn’t read the whole book, just had a few snapshot on the internet), which is full of case studies that show the myriad of ways that trauma can manifest itself in developing brains. If my understanding is correct, actually Dani is not retarted or autism. It’s just that her brain did not get enough stimulation to grow due to the neglect.
Dr. Perry explained that the effects this neglect has on children can vary, but the lack of brain stimulation in the early years can cause developmental delays and even permanent damage. Neglected children may struggle with basic skills, education and building relationships.
Oprah spoke with Judge Tracy Sheehan via satellite who was appointed Danielle's legal advocate before becoming a judge. Judge Sheehan had never seen a neglect case as bad as Danielle's, saying "It was really mind boggling that a child was so devoid of social skills. She couldn't grab her sippy cup. She couldn't do positive or negative reinforcement regarding potty training...she was being raised like a potted plant, literally."
Further, Dr. Perry spoke on how parenting in this modern age is very different to how children were raised in centuries and generations past. The development of a child's brain benefited from the multiple number of caretakers and close relationships in the past - aunts, grandmothers and others were a regular part of a child's life. Now, children are sent to daycare where 1 adult can care for up to 10 children at a time combined with isolated parents who struggle to cope with the day. Dr. Perry didn't call this neglect, but underdevelopment of a child's potential. It is not that it is not a good thing for us to be sending out kids to daycare, just make sure that your kid still does get sufficient stimulation to aid the brain develop.
Did you know that brain scans prove that a child not receiving the correct stimulus, nurturing and interaction will actually prevent a child's brain from developing in size and actual grey matter?
Dr. Perry was one of the first people to use MRI technology to look at the effects inadequate nurturing and touch or lack of touch can have on the brain of a small child. He compares a brain scan of a normal, healthy 3-year-old child with a child who was severely neglected his first three years of life. "The first thing is that the brain is a little bit smaller. The brains of really severely neglected children tend to be smaller than the brains of children who have not been neglected," he says. "The brain didn't grow and shrink. It just didn't grow”. Shocking? Terkujat?
On the brain scan, Dr. Perry also notices dark spaces in the neglected child's brain. "Big, big ventricular spaces, which will impact sleep, regulation of anxiety, regulation of mood, whether or not you're very happy or sad," he says.
"As you grow, the brain is essentially like a sponge," Dr. Perry says. "It's absorbing all kinds of experiences. So if a child is not held, touched, talked to, interacted with, loved, literally neurons do not make those connections, and many of them actually will die." If you guys remember the TV advertisement susu with the glowing brain, your child’s brain is exactly as it is being demonstrated. The milk might help those tiny cells connect, but true love and attention works better. Do you agree with me?
Simple things like eye contact, touch, rocking and humming can make all the difference to a baby. It makes neurons grow, it makes them make connections.....Then, it makes the brain more functional. So anak akan makin pintar, bukan?
So remember to hug and kiss your kid at every given chance ok, it will make them smarter!!